National Society of Professional Engineers - Colorado

Latest News is UNDER CONSTRUCTION.  Please let us know if there's anything you want to suggest for the refreshed website.  Email


NSPE-CO Board Meeting

The NSPE-CO Board of Directors will meet Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 9 to Noon at the Denver Federal Center during the High School Bridge Building Contest.  The meeting is open to members, if you would like to attend we request an RSVP so we can provide you information on accessing the meeting location and meeting materials.  Email or call the NSPE office at (303) 480-1160 if you wish to attend.




NSPE-CO Members Michael Aitken, P.E., F.NSPE and Ben Railsback , P.E., F.NSPE  have been installed as President and Vice President of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers (NAFE).     NAFE is directly associated with NSPE.

Both Michael and Ben have previously served as NSPE-CO president.  Michael was NSPE national president, and Ben served on the national NSPE Board of Directors.

To qualify for full membership in the National Academy of Forensic Engineers, a candidate must be a licensed professional engineer and a member of NSPE and a technical society. He or she must have forensic engineering experience in addition to references from attorneys, senior claims managers, or NAFE members who are personally familiar with his or her forensic practice and experience. Full members are board certified in forensic engineering through the CESB. There are three levels of board-certified membership: member, senior member, and fellow.

Left:  Railsback (Vice President NAFE) Right: Michael Aitken (President, NAFE). Thanks to Paul D. Tucker for the photo.




MATHCOUNTS is a national math enrichment, coaching & competition program that promotes middle school mathematics achievement in every U.S. state & territory. For more than 30 years MATHCOUNTS has been one of the most successful education partnerships involving volunteers, educators, industry sponsors & students.

The MATHCOUNTS mission: To increase interest and involvement in mathematics among all middle school students in order to assist in developing a technically literate population essential to U.S. global competitiveness and the quality of life.

How does the MATHCOUNTS program work? In Colorado, the program is made possible by the National Society of Professional Engineers–Colorado (NSPE-CO). Schools register with MATHCOUNTS and receive coaching and testing materials and begin in September preparing for local competitions held throughout February.

What are the topics covered and are they really appropriate for seventh and eighth graders? Topics include algebra, probability, approximation, geometry, and statistics. Problems fit in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade curriculums across the country. Problems are designed to accelerate students’ interest and achievement in mathematics.


Volunteers are always needed and appreciated.  Click here for the event schedule  and coordinator contact information.


Beers With Engineers - Second Wednesday of Every Month
Wednesday, March 12
Wednesday, April 9
Wednesday, May 14
Rogers Liquid Oasis at the Edgewater Public Market
NSPE-CO is hosting a monthly happy hour to meet and interact with other NSPE-CO members. We'll provide some appetizers from the many food vendors at Edgewater Public Market. Beers (or other drinks) are available for purchase.
Beers With Engineers is a monthly happy hour (the second Wednesday of the month) from 5-7pm at Edgewater Public Market, 5505 W. 20th Avenue (20th and Depew) just four blocks west of Sheridan Blvd. There is easy highway access to Sheridan Blvd from both I-70 and 6th Avenue.
There is ample free parking. Rogers Liquid Oasis is to the right inside the main entrance. We'll be there from 5 to 7pm. Call NSPE-CO at (303) 480-1160 if you have any difficulty finding us!
No registration or RSVP required, just drop in when you can.



Job Postings

Civil Engineer II/III Transmission and Distribution - Fort Collins-Loveland Water District

 Click here for more information


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